Ciitizens take-outs News

Florida Approves Removal of Nearly 80,000 Policies from Citizens

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has approved the removal of up to 78,897 personal residential policies and 500 commercial residential polices from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. by the following four companies: First Community Insurance Co. ‒ approved to remove …

Florida Approves Removal of 93,500 Policies from Citizens

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has approved the removal of up to 93,000 personal residential policies and 500 commercial residential polices from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. as part of the state’s ongoing effort to reduce the number of policies …

Citizens’ Takeout Program Undergoing Changes; Says Assessments Unlikely

Faced with a rising number of consumer complaints, Florida’s state-backed property insurer has announced a series of changes to its takeout program. The news comes as the insurer said it is highly unlikely to need policyholder assessments next year. Citizens …

Florida’s Citizens No Longer ‘Out of Control,’ Says Exec Defending Rate Cut

Its successes in reducing its insured population and securing low cost catastrophic coverage are driving the request by Florida’s state-backed property insurer for a statewide average 2.9 percent decrease on residential policies. Citizens Property Insurance Corp. officials in a public …

Southern Oak to Assume Up to 10,000 Florida Citizens Policies

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has approved the removal of up to 10,000 multi-peril personal residential policies from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. to Southern Oak Insurance Co. This action is part of the state’s effort to reduce the number …