Citizens Exposure Reduction Programs News

Florida Market Stabilization Critical to Reducing Citizens’ Exposure: Study

Florida’s fluctuating and volatile private market may be instigating long-term policy growth for Citizens Property Insurance Corp. and creating serious obstacles to its position as the state’s residual insurer, according to a new study. The 236-page “Exposure Reduction and Depopulation …

Florida Market Study Will Evaluate Exposures, Strategies for Citizens Property Insurance

Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Florida’s insurer of last resort, has moved forward with an independent study that will evaluate the insurer’s potential exposures from the state’s troubled property insurance market. The Citizens’ Board of Governors voted at its last meeting …

Citizens to Evaluate Policyholder Count as Florida Market Conditions Tighten

Florida’s insurer of last resort Citizens Property Insurance Corporation will make shrinking its policyholder count a priority next year, despite potential headwinds that may come from Florida domestic carriers raising rates and restricting coverage. Prompted by a request from Florida …