Citizens Property Insurance News

Florida Gov. Scott Troubled by Firings at Citizens Property Insurance

A move by Florida’s largest property insurer to dismiss employees responsible for investigating wrongdoing drew criticism last Thursday from Gov. Rick Scott. Scott, in a strongly-worded letter to the president of Citizens Property Insurance, called the decision “troubling” because it …

Florida’s Citizens Insurance Board Approves Proposals for Depopulating

The board overseeing the Citizens Property Insurance Corp. is moving ahead with a half dozen recommendations for the Legislature it believes will help depopulate the state-backed insurer. The plan approved last week in Orlando by the Citizens’ board would allow …

Mitigation Inspections Hike Premiums for Insureds of Florida Citizens

Florida property owners who purchased coverage from the state’s run property insurer have seen their premiums increase by an average $476 as a result of the insuring inspecting their property. Citizens Property Insurance Corp. launched a program last year to …