City of London News

New Prime Minister ‘Must Protect’ London’s Financial Center in Brexit Talks

Britain’s next Prime Minister Theresa May must find ways to protect London’s financial sector as the country negotiates its exit from the European Union, senior lawmaker Stephen Hammond said on Monday. May is set to succeed David Cameron as leader, …

S&P and Fitch Chop Britain’s ‘AAA’ Rating After Brexit Vote

Britain suffered further blows to its economic standing on Monday as two top ratings agencies downgraded its sovereign credit score, judging last week’s vote to leave the European Union would hurt its economy. Standard & Poor’s stripped Britain of its …

Re/Insurance Business Leaders Begin to Comment on Post-Brexit World

The UK joined the European Union in January 1973, and yesterday, the UK public voted to leave. After 43 years of marriage, the divorce proceedings will soon begin. No one knows how long it will take for the UK to …

World Awaits Outcome of UK’s EU Referendum

Britons were voting on Thursday on whether to stay in the European Union in a referendum that could change the face of Europe and is being nervously watched by financial markets and politicians across the world. A British exit, or …

Factbox: Weighing Value of Financial Services in UK Economy on Day of Brexit Vote

Britain, Europe’s biggest financial hub, votes today on whether to stay in or leave the European Union. The country’s financial and professional services industries are considered as the most vulnerable to an exit from the 28-nation bloc although much depends …

Brexit Would Create Extra Burden for Reinsurers, Caution CEOs

While insurers and reinsurers will be able to deal with the aftermath of an exit of the U.K. from the European Union, the time and cost involved are unwelcome intrusions to the business, executives suggested here. Plan B might be …

AXA Awaits Result of Brexit Vote Before Building London’s Tallest Tower

AXA SA’s real estate unit is awaiting the outcome of the Brexit referendum before deciding whether to proceed with a plan to build the tallest tower approved in the City of London. “We have not launched the project because we …

‘Brexit’ Would Damage UK’s Leadership Position in Insurance: Aon

Aon Plc Chief Executive Officer Greg Case, who moved the insurance broker to London from Chicago four years ago, said the U.K.’s centuries-long leadership in the industry would be damaged if voters choose to leave the European Union. “The U.K. …

Urgent Action Needed to Tackle Systemic Threat of Cyber Risk: Marsh & TheCityUK

Firms across the financial and related professional services industry need to take urgent action on their cyber risks, which present a “real and present danger” to the financial system, according to a new report published by TheCityUK and Marsh. Only …

‘Brexit’ May Threaten UK Shipping, Marine Insurance Sectors

If Britain votes to leave the European Union, the country’s shipping sector faces years of disruption as trade agreements get reworked and currency volatility leads to higher costs at a time when the industry is battling its worst global downturn. …