civil disturbance News

Judge Reduces Punitive Damages in Deadly Charlottesville Rally Conspiracy

A federal judge has slashed millions of dollars from the damages a jury ordered white nationalist leaders and organizations to pay for their role in the violence that erupted during the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017. …

Property Damage from Unrest in Minneapolis: $55M and Rising

The city of Minneapolis says the looting and property damage that following the death of George Floyd in police custody has caused least $55 million in destruction so far. Vandals damaged or set fire to at least 220 buildings, but …

Riots in Wake of Floyd’s Death Could Become Most Costly Civil Disorder for Insurers

Rioting that erupted in cities across the country after peaceful protests mourning the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis may rival the 1992 Los Angeles riots to become the most costly civil disorder for insurers in United States history. The …