civil rights lawsuit News

Ohio’s Kent State to Pay $145K in Student Housing Discrimination Suit

The Justice Department announced that Ohio’s Kent State University (KSU) has agreed to pay $145,000 to settle a civil rights lawsuit alleging that the university had maintained a policy of not allowing students with psychological disabilities to keep emotional support …

Florida City Officials Deny Allegations over Spring Break Ordinance

Officials in Florida’s Panhandle are disputing allegations in a lawsuit claiming that racial bias was behind new ordinances designed to curb spring break mayhem. Panama City Beach Mayor Gayle Oberst told The News Herald that she’s comfortable that the city …

Florida Beach City Businesses Say Spring Break Ban Violates Civil Rights

Several Panama City Beach, Fla., nightclub owners argue in a lawsuit filed Oct. 30 that local officials violated their rights and showed racial bias when they approved a series of new ordinances designed to curb spring break mayhem. The club …

Alabama Police, City Sued by Tourist Visiting from India After Assault

A man from India who was slammed to the ground by a police officer had been singled out by police after a caller said a “skinny black guy” with a toboggan hat was walking in the neighborhood and peering into …

New Mexico Woman Settles Solitary Confinement Suit

A woman who says she was kept in a filthy, isolated New Mexico jail cell for months at a time has reached a $1.6 million settlement with Valencia County, attorneys for both sides confirmed. The settlement came after an attorney …