claims disputes News

Let Good Adjusters, Not Expensive Lawyers, Make the Difference on Claims, CEO Says

Harish Kapur, CEO of Across America Insurance Services, likes to tell the story of how his company’s chief defense lawyer became fed up with Kapur’s frequent requests for lower settlements on claims disputes. “He fired us. He literally fired us,” …

More States Adopted Professional Standards for Public Adjusters This Year

A movement to establish professional standards for public adjusters gained ground this year, with lawmakers in five states passing bills that impose new controls over a trade that already requires a license in 46 states. Brian S. Goodman, general counsel …

Tennessee Department Obtains $11.5M for Policyholders in Insurance Claims Disputes

The Tenneesse Department of Commerce and Insurance secured a record $11.5 million for policyholders in 2022, after mediating complaints about insurers. The department’s insurance services team mediated 3,249 complaints last year, resulting in numerous claims denials being overturned or additional …

Tennessee Insurance Department Uses Mediation to Settle Claims Disputes, Returns $8M

The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance returned more than $8 million to policyholders in 2021 through mediation between consumers and insurance companies, the department announced this week. The department investigated and mediated some 2,900 complaints by policyholders, which resulted …

North Carolina Suit Could Signal Change in COVID Claims Disputes

Since the pandemic began, most of the COVID-19-related business interruption disputes have not gone in favor of the policyholders, especially in federal court. More than 90% of motions to dismiss in federal lawsuits, in fact, have been upheld in cases …

N.J., N.Y. to Offer Mediation Program for Sandy Claims Disputes

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced Monday his administration’s plan to offer a mediation program option to Sandy victims who are in dispute with their insurers.New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo also unveiled a similar program that seeks to expedite the …

$6.4M in Insurance Claims Recovered for Louisiana Consumers in 2012

Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon announced that insurance policyholders across the state received an additional $6.4 million in payments during 2012 by requesting assistance from the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI). The recovered funds result from insurance claims disputes in which …

The Hartford to Pay $81K in Restitution for Auto Claims in Vermont

The Vermont Department of Financial Regulation says the Hartford Financial Services Group has agreed to pay more than $81,000 in restitution to Vermont customers whose auto insurance claims were improperly evaluated.

Insurance Lawsuits to Follow Irene

As the water recedes from Hurricane Irene, lawyers are expecting disputes over insurance coverage to pour in. The biggest fights will stem from arguments over property damage and whether it resulted from wind or water, legal experts said. Similar questions …