clark shultz News

Kansas Assistant Insurance Commissioner Forms Campaign to Run for Top Job

The Kansas insurance commissioner’s chief deputy is interested in running for the top job himself next year. Assistant Insurance Commissioner Clark Shultz appointed a treasurer last month for a campaign for the Republican nomination. It’s a step that allows Shultz …

Wine Named Securities Head, Shultz Asst. Commissioner at Kansas Insurance Dept.

John Wine, current assistant commissioner at the Kansas Insurance Department (KID), has been named securities commissioner within the department, and Clark Shultz has been tapped as Wine’s successor as assistant commissioner. The administrative changes are a result of the upcoming …

Another GOP Candidate Files for Kansas Insurance Post

A veteran Republican legislator has filed to run for Kansas insurance commissioner and joined an already crowded field of candidates. Sen. Clark Shultz of Lindsborg filed the necessary paperwork on May 30 for a spot on the state’s Aug. 5 …

Kansas House Chairman Running for Insurance Post

The Kansas House Insurance Committee’s longtime chairman is running for insurance commissioner, becoming the fourth declared candidate for next year’s Republican primary. Rep. Clark Shultz of McPherson said that one of his main goals as commissioner would be ensuring that …