Clean Power Plan News

Californians Bash Trump for Bid to End Emissions-Slashing Climate Change Plan

California stands in “complete opposition” to a Trump administration plan to scrap a policy slashing climate-changing emissions from power plants, its top air official said Wednesday at a U.S. hearing in a state helping lead the fight against global warming. …

17 States Sue to Halt Trump Rollback of Climate Change Regulations

A coalition of 17 U.S. states filed a legal challenge on Wednesday against efforts by President Donald Trump’s administration to roll back climate change regulations, deepening a political rift over his emerging energy policies. Led by New York state, the …

Trump vs. California Climate Battle Brewing

California vs. Trump, so to speak, is shaping up to be a heavyweight match. On one side is the world’s sixth (or so) largest economy – home to Disneyland, Hollywood and Big Sur. On the other is the reality show …

More Insurers Disclosing Climate Change Risks, Report Shows

Insurers in the U.S. are increasingly willing to disclose their risk management practices related to climate change, and that in part may be attributable to last year’s global accord in Paris and shifting attitudes in the business world on the …

Climate Change’s No Justice, No Pancake, No Fly Zone

A conceivable diminishment in my pancake experience is what I’ll take away from the last two weeks of weird headlines tied to the topic of climate change. However, it was the rancor over the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin …

How Supreme Court Could Upend Obama Clean Power Plan

The U.S. Supreme Court’s unexpected move to block President Barack Obama’s policy to cut pollution from coal plants highlights what both sides in the legal fight agree is a key weakness in the rules — a provision that expands the …

Sierra Club Dragging State Farm into Climate Change Battle

A State Farm executive is coming under fire from activists for his position on the board of what some consider to be a “climate denier” group. Sierra Club, a progressive investor group and other activist organizations have been waging an …

Is Climate Change Now Its Own Industry?

Interest in climate change is becoming an increasingly powerful economic driver, so much so that some see it as an industry in itself whose growth is driven in large part by policymaking. The $1.5 trillion global “climate change industry” grew …

U.S. Dominates Climate Change Litigation

It’s almost counterintuitive if you think about it. There is far more litigation related to climate change in the U.S. compared with Europe, which is usually considered more progressive on the issue. For an example of how climate change can …