Clean Water Act violation News

Missouri Limestone Quarry to Pay $210K EPA Penalty

Trager Limestone LLC, which operates the Nettleton Limestone Quarry in Caldwell County, Missouri, has agreed to pay a $210,000 civil penalty and perform watershed restoration at a cost of over $300,000, as part of a settlement with the federal government. …

Texas Company to Pay $1M Fine in 2016 Louisiana Pipeline Accident

A Texas company pleaded guilty to a federal Clean Water Act violation and agreed to pay a $1 million fine for damaging a pipeline that leaked more than 5,000 gallons of oil in a Louisiana bay in 2016, the U.S. …

Oil Platform Worker Pleads Guilty to Pollution Violation in Gulf Blast

A contract worker has pleaded guilty to violating the federal Clean Water Act in connection with a deadly oil platform explosion off Louisiana’s coast. Prosecutors said in court documents that Don Moss, of Groves. Texas, was among personnel who failed …

Company Wants Appeals Court to Lift Halt in Louisiana Oil Pipeline Work

A company building a crude oil pipeline in Louisiana has asked a federal appeals court to lift a judge’s order that temporarily halts pipeline construction work in a swamp. Bayou Bridge Pipeline LLC asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of …