clean water act News

Trial Over, Judge to Decide Extent of BP’s Penalties for Gulf Oil Spill

The latest phase of a trial to determine how much BP should pay in Clean Water Act penalties for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill — which could reach $13.7 billion — ended on Feb. 2, but a decision …

West Virginia Storage Tank Rules Make Some Fear Citizen Lawsuits

Industry groups are jittery that if state regulators require the wrong type of permit, companies could be subject to citizen lawsuits under a new environmental law that regulates storage tanks. State regulators disagree, and are convinced the new aboveground tank …

Court Ruling on Well Co-Ownership Could Cost BP, Anadarko Billions in Fines

BP Plc and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. could face billions of dollars in fines after an appeals court ruled they were automatically liable for pollution-law violations as co-owners of the well that blew out and started the 2010 Gulf of Mexico …

Ex-BP Engineer Destroyed Gulf Spill Evidence, Jury Told

A former BP Plc engineer deliberately destroyed evidence sought by the U.S. for a probe of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico well explosion and oil spill, a federal prosecutor said at the end of a trial in New Orleans. Prosecutors …

Clash at Trial: Did BP Lie About Size of Gulf Oil Spill?

In the frantic days after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP lied about how much oil was leaking from its Macondo well and took too long to cap it, plaintiffs’ lawyers said on Monday at the opening of …

Billions at Stake as BP Oil Spill Trial Enters Next Phase

BP will battle to hold down fines that could hit $18 billion in a new phase of the Gulf of Mexico trial that will rule on how much oil it spilled in 2010 and judge its efforts to plug its …

Barring Last Minute Deal, Gulf Oil Spill Trial to Get Underway Monday

Nearly three years after a deepwater well rupture killed 11 men, sank a rig and spewed 4 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, BP and the other companies involved are scheduled to face their judge in court. …

U.S. to Give BP Evidence on Size of Gulf Oil Spill

BP Plc will gain access to U.S. government documents that may shed light on the size of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a crucial issue in determining the oil company’s liability. According to a …

BP Claims U.S. Hiding Evidence on Size of Gulf Oil Spill

BP Plc has accused the U.S. government of withholding evidence that may show the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill was smaller than federal officials claimed, a key issue in determining the oil company’s liability. A reduction in the size …

BP’s Potential Pricetag for Gulf Oil Spill

BP Plc struck a deal on Friday to pay an estimated $7.8 billion to settle claims from individuals and businesses stemming from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. But BP and its partners in the ill-fated Macondo well still …