clergy sex abuse News

Ex-Cardinal Cites Dementia In Asking Court to Dismiss Sex Assault Case

Lawyers for former Roman Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick filed a motion this week to dismiss a case charging him with sexually assaulting a boy decades ago, saying the 92-year-old once-powerful American prelate has dementia and is not competent to stand …

Vermont Considers Ending Clergy Exemption From Abuse Reporting Laws

The Vermont Legislature is considering a proposal that would end an exemption to the state’s child abuse and neglect reporting laws for members of the clergy. On Wednesday, the Vermont Senate Judiciary Committee held the first of what could be …

Vermont Lawmaker Wants to Close Abuse Reporting Exemption for Clergy

The head of the Vermont Senate Judiciary Committee says he’s going to introduce a bill in the upcoming legislative session to close an exemption to the state’s child abuse and neglect reporting laws for members of the clergy. Democratic Sen. …

Clergy Sex Abuse in Iowa Was ‘Overwhelming’ But Now Rare, Report Says

Roman Catholic priests sexually abused minors across Iowa for decades while church leaders covered it up, but reforms implemented in recent years have largely stopped the problem, a three-year review by Iowa’s attorney general concluded. A report issued by Attorney …

Southern Baptists Under Pressure to Deal with Sex Abuse Claims

The Southern Baptist Convention gathers for its annual national meeting Tuesday with one sobering topic — sex abuse by clergy and staff — overshadowing all others. Inside the meeting hall in Birmingham, Alabama, delegates representing the nation’s largest Protestant denomination …

Louisiana Diocese Releases List of Priests Accused of Sex Abuse

The U.S. Catholic diocese where the first widely reported case of clergy sex abuse became public in the 1980s released a list Friday of 33 priests and four deacons credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor or vulnerable adult. The …

74 Sex Abuse Claims Filed Against St. Cloud Diocese

Minnesota’s Diocese of St. Cloud says 74 claims of sexual abuse of minors have been made against it and none of the claims involve anyone who is currently in parish ministry. A three-year window that lifted the statute of limitations …

Minnesota Parishes Want Archdiocese to Pay Abuse Defense Costs

Dozens of parishes in the Twin Cities want the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to pay their costs for settling clergy abuse claims. About 120 parishes want the archdiocese to reimburse them for paying too much into church insurance …

Attorney Wants Records From Franciscan Friars in News Mexico Abuse Case

An attorney for victims who claim they were sexually abused by priests in the Diocese of Gallup in New Mexico wants insurance and financial records from the Franciscan Friars, the Albuquerque Journal reported. Claimants attorney James Stang filed motions asking …