Climate Action Tracker News

Average World Temperatures to Far Exceed Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Report

Average world temperatures are on course to far exceed the main goal set in the 2015 Paris Agreement on limiting global warming, a study showed on Tuesday [Nov. 11]. But the overshoot by the end of this century could be …

Climate Researchers Lower Global Warming Forecast on Plans to Cut Emissions

Climate researchers lowered their forecast for global warming for the first time since 2009 after the greenhouse gas polluters agreed to limit their emissions over the next 15 years, a group of European academics said. Efforts by the U.S., European …

World Falling Behind in Race to Cut Carbon Emissions: Study

The world is getting further off track in limiting global warming with setbacks in Japan and Australia outweighing positive signals from the United States and China, a study showed on Wednesday. A Climate Action Tracker compiled by scientists said the …