climate activists News

Shell’s Board Faces Personal Liability for Failure to Cut Emissions: Environment Group

A group that won a victory over energy major Shell last year with a Dutch court order to deepen greenhouse gas cuts has warned the company’s board of possible personal responsibility if it fails to implement the verdict. The Hague …

Oil Firms, Including ExxonMobil, Obtain Injunctions to Stop UK Climate Protests

Three firms involved in Britain’s oil sector, including ExxonMobil, have secured injunctions to stop protests by climate change activists which have caused widespread disruption this month, the government said on Friday. Environmental groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop …

As Climate Disclosures Toughen, Corporate Laggards May Be Vulnerable to Lawsuits

A push by Britain to toughen up corporate environmental disclosures will cast a spotlight on climate change dawdlers as campaigners increasingly turn to the courts to force a speedier transition to a low-carbon economy. Almost 2,000 climate change-related lawsuits have …

Climate Change Litigation: Why Better Disclosure Is Vital as Cases Rise

With the effects of climate change becoming more palpable, a rise in climate litigation cases could have significant financial and reputational repercussions for corporates. Thomas Englerth, associate director at S&P Global Ratings, explores how the potential risks associated with this …

Shell Loses Landmark Climate Case in Ruling with Global Implications for Big Oil

THE HAGUE/LONDON – A Dutch court ordered Royal Dutch Shell to drastically deepen planned greenhouse gas emission cuts on Wednesday, in a landmark ruling that could trigger legal action against energy companies around the world. Shell said it was “disappointed” …