climate change lawsuits News

Climate Change Lawsuits Are Exploding Globally, but Court Wins Are Few

A year ago, a Dutch judge ordered Shell to slash its emissions harder and faster than planned. Victorious campaigners and lawyers declared the win would straighten up the biggest polluters and serve as a warning to others. But that hasn’t …

Volkswagen Targeted in Court Case That Seeks to Eliminate Polluting Cars by 2030

First it was oil giant Shell Plc, now it’s the turn of Europe’s biggest carmaker. In the wake of a landmark Dutch ruling a year ago which ordered Shell to cut its emissions by 45% by 2030, a German organic …

Environmental Groups Sue TotalEnergies Over Climate Marketing Claims

A group of environmental organizations has filed a lawsuit in France against the country’s largest energy company TotalEnergies, accusing it of misleading consumers about its efforts to fight climate change. The claim, which has been served on TotalEnergies and was …

UK High Court Throws Out Case Brought by Climate Activists Against Oil Regulator

A UK High Court on Tuesday threw out a case brought by climate activists against the country’s oil and gas regulator OGA, rejecting their argument that the OGA’s actions amount to a type of unlawful subsidy of the fossil fuel …

Activist Group Calls on Insurers to Sue Oil Companies for Climate Damages

FRANKFURT โ€“ A prominent activist is calling on insurers like Swiss Re to explore suing major oil companies for climate-related damages, the latest volley in a years-long campaign that pits environmentalists against the insurance industry. The tactic urged by The …

South Africa Sued Over Plans to Construct New Coal-Fired Power Plants

South Africa’s energy regulator and energy minister have been sued by environmental activists over national plans to allow the construction of new coal-fired power plants. Plans for the construction of 1,500 megawatts of coal-fired generation capacity are included in the …

Climate Swat Team Aims to Identify When Global Warming Causes Extreme Weather

When weather disaster strikes, observers near and far ask the same question: Climate changeโ€”is it or isn’t it? The simplest answer, yes, lacks specificity. All weather is a joint human-nature venture, because we’ve made the atmosphere hotter than it’s been …

Climate Class Action Suit to Proceed Against Australia Government

A class action lawsuit that claims Australia is misleading investors by failing to disclose the impact of climate risk in its bonds will proceed after government lawyers failed to get the case dismissed. The lawsuit may continue as a class …

‘Attribution Science’ May Help Plaintiffs Push Climate Suits Ahead

Although a U.S. Supreme Court decision put an end to climate lawsuits alleging violations of the federal common law of public nuisance, a second round of state actions may get further, researchers said recently. There are two major categories of …

Is Climate Litigation Covered by Insurance?

Federal or state court? How will attribution science impact climate litigation? The questions aren’t the only ones of interest to insurers and reinsurers wanting to understand the potential for mass climate liability claims in the years ahead. Another key question: …