climate change lawsuits News

States’ Climate Change Litigation Could Be Useful Tool Against Big Oil: Opinion

A growing number of cities and states want to turn climate change lawsuits against oil companies into the next tobacco or opioid litigation. In principle, that seems like a truly terrible idea. Such lawsuits will likely do even less to …

Supreme Court Allows City, State Claims Against Energy Firms Over Climate Costs

The U.S. Supreme Court let government officials press ahead with three lawsuits that accuse more than a dozen oil and gas companies of contributing to climate change. Without comment or published dissent, the high court Tuesday refused to block a …

Climate Change Lawsuits a Growing Threat: Opinion

Last month, a group of 10 families filed an action against the European Union at the European General Court, the EU’s second highest court. All claim to have suffered loss from climate change. Specifically, they argue that greenhouse gas (GHG) …

BP Fears Climate Change Lawsuits in U.S.

After paying more than $65 billion in legal costs for the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe, BP Plc is wary of the risk of lawsuits related to climate change. Chief Executive Officer Bob Dudley raised the topic of class-action lawsuits twice during …