climate change resilience News

Vulnerable to Climate Change, England Must ‘Adapt or Die’, Agency Warns

England will be hit hard by floods like those that devastated Germany this summer if the country does not improve its defense against more extreme weather brought by climate change, a governmental agency said Wednesday. In a report, the Environment …

‘Sunny Day’ Floods Will Increasingly Inundate U.S. Coasts as Sea Levels Rise: NOAA

Record high-tide flooding washed over U.S. coasts in the past year, and rising sea levels are expected to send the deluges into streets, homes and businesses even more frequently over the next decade, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. …

Howden Launches Climate Risk and Resilience Division

Howden, the London-based insurance group, announced the launch of a Climate Risk and Resilience division. Led by Charlie Langdale, the team will focus on risk transfer products that help to accelerate and de-risk the move towards a low carbon economy, …

Prince Charles Launches Partnership with Insurance Industry to Tackle Climate Change

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales launched his Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Insurance Task Force during a visit today at Lloyd’s. The SMI Insurance Task Force, convened by Prince Charles and chaired by Lloyd’s, is comprised of executives from …

Canada Faces Mega-Hurricanes if Climate Change Pushes Storms North: Swiss Re Warns

Climate change is making hurricanes bigger and stronger, and it may soon push them farther north. Yet Canada’s homeowners, businesses and insurers underestimate that escalating risk, according to one of the world’s leading reinsurance firms. Overall, the northern nation has …

Australia Bushfire Funding ‘Welcome’ but Insurance Tax Rise ‘Unsustainable’: ICA

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) welcomed the budget announcement from the state of Victoria of funding of A$517 million (US$401 million), which will be allocated across several bushfire risk reduction projects. However, the ICA emphasized that the projected growth …

EU Seeks More Protection from Climate Risks by Increasing Resilience, Insurance Cover

The European Union is bolstering its 14-trillion-euro ($17 trillion) economy against damage caused by the impacts of climate change, from droughts to floods and forest loss. Under an updated climate adaptation strategy unveiled Wednesday, the European Commission is calling for …

RenaissanceRe Creates Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategic Areas

RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. has announced three strategic focus areas as part of its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy: Promoting Climate Resilience; Closing the Protection Gap; and Inducing Positive Societal Change. More information can be found on RenaissanceRe’s new ESG …

Rooke Appointed Director of Climate Transition Risk at Willis Towers Watson

Willis Towers Watson, the global advisory, broking and solutions company, announced the appointment of Tony Rooke as director of Climate Transition Risk in the organization’s Climate and Resilience Hub (CRH). With many government’s announcing net-zero carbon targets to align with …

Insurance Development Forum Launches Insurance Program for Peruvian Schools

The Insurance Development Forum (IDF), a public-private partnership led by the insurance industry and supported by international organizations, announced the launch of an insurance program for Peru’s public schools. The program is the result of a grant agreement between Germany’s …