Climate change risks News

EU Weighs Stress Tests to Improve Financial Firms’ Buffers Against Climate Risks

The European Commission is considering stress tests and measures to force financial firms to raise their buffers against climate-change risks, the EU financial services chief said on Wednesday. The move would represent a major change in the bloc’s climate policy …

Companies in Polluting Industries Slow to Disclose Climate Change Risks: Moody’s

U.S. and European companies in polluting industries rarely disclose the financial risks they face related to climate change even though a global task force called on them to do so two years ago, Moody’s Investors Service said in a report …

Insurers to Offer up to $5B in Capacity to Hike Developing Nations’ Climate Resilience

Insurers are partnering with the United Nations and other public groups to help the poorest countries bounce back from natural disasters that may become a more regular occurrence. As part of the program, as much as $5 billion in insurance …

Many Major Central Banks, Minus U.S. Fed, Taking Action on Climate Change Risks

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was in no mood for laughter as he stood in his tuxedo before the great and good of the British insurance industry. “I’m going to give you a speech without a joke, I’m afraid,” …

UK Regulator Asks Insurers to Weigh Possible Business Impact of Climate Change

The Bank of England for the first time is asking British insurers to gauge how global warming might impact the value of the stocks and bonds they hold — and its potential to upend financial markets. The central bank, which …

French Utility EDF Prepares Its Nuclear Reactors for Climate Change

Electricite de France SA is preparing its nuclear power facilities to operate in more severe heatwaves in the coming decades as a changing climate may interfere with key electrical equipment. The utility, which produces almost three-quarters of France’s electricity from …

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Must Be Halved by 2030 to Avoid 3C Warming: Scientists

Emissions need to be halved by 2030 to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius but temperatures are on track to reach double that by the end of the century even if countries’ current plans are fully implemented, research by scientists …

Companies Failing to Disclose Exposure to Risks of Climate Change: Global Task Force

Companies are failing to disclose sufficient detail about how exposed they are to the potential risks of climate change, a global task force said in a report on Wednesday. Many investors have called on companies to provide better communication on …

World’s Largest Companies Forecast Climate Change Could Cost Them $1 Trillion

An analysis of thousands of corporate disclosures on climate-change risks suggests that companies stand to gain more than they lose, mostly within the next five years. Some $2.1 trillion worth of potential good news is embedded in those statements, according …

New Crop of Satellites Will Identify Biggest Contributors to Climate Change

A wave of satellites set to orbit the Earth will be able to pinpoint producers of greenhouse gases, right down to an individual leak at an oil rig. More than a dozen governments and companies have or are planning to …