climate change stress tests News

Individual Results of Climate Stress Tests Should Not Be Disclosed: Oversight Group

Climate change financial ‘stress tests’ will need to be improved with better data and modeling, a new paper by a global oversight body has recommended, but potential losses at individual banks or insurers should not be publicly disclosed. The report …

Bank of England Launches Climate Change Stress Test for Insurers, Banks

The Bank of England on Tuesday set out its first comprehensive stress test of the ability of the British financial system to cope with climate change, saying the results will not be used to determine capital requirements for now. The …

Bank of England’s Carney Warns Investors to Get Serious About Climate Change

In a world facing a climate crisis, investors need to start taking account of carbon emissions and rising temperatures in their decisions, according to Bank of England Governor Mark Carney. The shift in thinking will be key to the industry’s …

Australia Regulator Seeks to Understand Financial Risks of Climate Change

Australia’s prudential regulator said on Monday it was looking to better understand the financial risks of climate change and would begin undertaking deeper assessments of the industry’s vulnerabilities to improve resilience. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) will develop industry …

France to Require Insurers, Banks to Run Climate Change Stress Tests in 2020

France’s financial regulator will subject banks and insurers to climate change stress tests next year, central bank governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau said on Friday. Investors are increasingly putting pressure on companies to make concrete steps to helping implement the …