Climate Control News

Businesses Should Prepare for Consequences of Climate Change, Zurich Says

Businesses should prepare for the physical consequences of a warming planet, according to a new report out from Zurich Insurance Group. The report, “Managing the impacts of climate change: risk management responses,” was published at the start of Climate Week …

Campaign Calls on U.S. Insurers to Reject Fossil Fuels

A handful of consumer and climate groups are calling on the insurance industry to ditch fossil fuels as part of a new campaign called Insure Our Future. The entreaty came on the eve of this week’s Global Climate Action Summit, …

Report Outlines Climate Change Risks Faced by Insurance Sector

A newly issued report that’s being touted as the “first important review of climate risk by an international financial standard setting body” may get the attention of the insurance community. If it does, mission accomplished. That’s what the report was …

San Francisco May Screen Insurers for Their Fossil Fuels Investments

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has become what is believed to be the first U.S. municipal body to try to force insurance companies to stop insuring and investing in fossil fuels. The board on Tuesday voted unanimously in favor …

Survey Shows More Americans Believe There is ‘Solid Evidence’ of Global Warming

There’s a surefire way to get more people to believe in global warming. Just crank up the heat. A larger percentage of Americans say there is “solid evidence” of global warming than at any time since 2008, when the University …

Sea Level Rise Puts $117.5B at Risk from Chronic Flooding

Those interested in risk management are starting to take climate change a bit more seriously. The evidence is anecdotal, but for that proof one can just ask Phil Renaud, executive director for the Risk Institute at Ohio State University, a …

NOAA Expects Sea Level Rise to Produce Record Coastal Flooding This Year

Break out the galoshes. The projected increase in high tide flooding in 2018 may be as much as 60 percent higher across U.S. coastlines compared to typical flooding about 20 years ago, according to scientists at the National Oceanic and …

Professor Says Window to Prevent Dangerous Impacts from Climate Change Closing Fast

Costs from climate change-driven extreme weather events are on the rise, and the amount of time left to stop those impacts before they get progressively worse is rapidly closing, according to a Columbia University professor speaking on Tuesday during a …

Allianz Expanding Climate Strategy, Doesn’t Want to Insure Coal Operations

The Allianz Group “is significantly expanding its climate strategy.” The German insurance giant recently announced a commitment to support the change to a low-carbon economy over the coming decades, and is setting for itself long-term climate goals that are linked …

U.S. Insurers Not Doing Enough on Sustainability, New Report Shows

A new report from a sustainability advocate gives two green thumbs down to the U.S. insurance industry for its inability to grow its efforts, or its interest, in dealing with climate change compared with other sectors. The report, TURNING POINT: …