Climate Control News

Climate Change Act: Commit New York to Being Powered by 100% Renewables

Allianz says it’s further integrating ecological and social responsibility into its core business. The insurance giant, which is already known for its sustainable bent, this week issued a 2017 Sustainability Report that documents Allianz Group’s achievements in corporate responsibility, with …

Youths’ Climate Change Suit Has Potential Impact on a Historic Scale for Insurance

A three-year-old lawsuit by a group of youths against the U.S. over climate change, which looks to now get a new trial date at some point this year, has the potential to open up lawsuits on a historic scale, according …

Study Links Severe Winter Weather in Northeastern U.S. to Arctic Temps

The frequency of extreme winter weather in the U.S. is sensitive to Arctic temperatures, and that’s something those paying weather-related losses may want to take note of. After all, you can’t spell polar vortex without the “polar.” The study (Warm …

Startup Modeler Jupiter Wants to Better Predict Impacts of Climate Change

A startup modeling firm named Jupiter is reaching for the stars in its quest to better model for the impacts of climate change. The firm recently launched what its calling a “transformative cloud-based technology platform,” noting in its promotional literature …

Climate Change and the ‘Fire Insurance Predicament’

A Washington-based conservative group is suing for information on the U.S. government’s “backstage work” on the Paris agreement it says will help pave the way for President Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement. The Competitive Enterprise Institute recently filed a lawsuit …

Insurance Industry Making ‘Significant Contributions’ in Climate Change Battle, Report Shows

The insurance industry is making significant contributions to building socio-economic resilience to climate change and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy in their role as risk management experts and investors, according to a new research report The report out …

Green Bonds Booming Despite Washington’s Animus, Report Shows

In spite of the U.S. withdrawal from the global climate change accord hammered out in Paris a year earlier, green bond issuance around the world reached $155.5 billion in 2017, a new report shows. That figure surpassed the initial, and …

Microsoft Wants to Pit AI Against Climate Change

Red and green make yellow. And depending on how one feels about climate change, it could be considered a cautionary tale for the U.S. that China plans to create the world’s largest carbon market, possibly making it the lead nation …

Go Ahead and Start a Climate Change Debate at the Thanksgiving Table

When you pass the turkey gravy on Thursday consider stuffing a hunk of climate change discourse down your uncle Jeb’s gullet. Let him stew until he’s good and fermented, then agitate as needed to see the fruits of your labor. …

Resilience Economics Bringing Climate Products to New Sectors

Resilience Economics Ltd. seems poised to capitalize on climate change. Cedent Ltd. this month launched the corporate finance advisory firm focused on climate risk with an initial $500 million of capacity from strategic partner Nephila Capital Ltd. The joint-venture plans …