Climate Control News

Brexit, Climate Change and Clean Air

What does the Brexit portend for all those collaborative efforts undertaken by the European Union to battle climate change? It’s a question a number of people were pondering – in Europe and in the U.S. – after last week when …

Pandemics and Climate Change Present Opportunity for Insurers

The shoe may eventually be placed on the other foot for the U.S. This nation has a long-standing tradition of innovating products and ideas – particularly insurance products – and then exporting them to other countries. Now the U.S. may …

What University of Washington’s Climate Risk and Insurance Summit Has in Common with Paris

It may not be a climate change summit for the ages like last year’s Paris meeting in which world leaders hashed out a historic agreement to reduce carbon emissions, but it does have two things in common with the 2015 …

Report Says Climate Change Could Make Some Wines Less Tasty

When you go to one of those giant annual insurance conferences ever wonder how much wine – in terms of gallons, number of glasses, bottles, dollar value – is consumed at all the evening mixers and up-scale soirees over the …

Climate Change and The Conservative Republican

If you’re a conservative Republican, there’s a decent chance that you believe in climate change. Compared with two years ago that is. Don’t tell this to Rush Limbaugh or presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Although he seems to have warmed a …

Few Small Businesses Feel the Need to Prepare for Climate Change

Constant reminders in the media over threats of rising sea levels, more frequent storms, or the promise of blistering droughts along with water scarcity still won’t get people to prepare for the anticipated effects of climate change. Getting people to …

Climate Change Easy Bet to Be Hot Topic at Insurance Regulators’ Meeting

Mark down the Climate Change and Global Warming Working Group as the odds-on favorite committee to produce the most interesting chatter during the National Association of Insurance Commissioners meeting next week in The Big Easy. Climate change buzz has continued …

How Will Paris Agreement Change The Insurance Industry?

The sweeping agreement to reduce carbon emissions and battle climate change hammered out by world leaders last year could be greatly transformative for the insurance and reinsurance industry, according to industry experts who have read and thoroughly analyzed the document. …

Scientist Closer to Making Climate Modeling More Accurate

A University of Wisconsin professor believes she’s come up with a way to remove some of the uncertainty in modeling, and she thinks her findings will help scientists and modelers more accurately take into account the impacts of climate change. …

Climate Change’s No Justice, No Pancake, No Fly Zone

A conceivable diminishment in my pancake experience is what I’ll take away from the last two weeks of weird headlines tied to the topic of climate change. However, it was the rancor over the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin …