Climate Control News

NOAA: Arctic Summer Surface Air Warmest on Record

A report out this week from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows the Arctic summer surface air temperatures were the warmest on record, with some areas, including northern Alaska and Canada, 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit or more above the 1991-2020 …

Study: Federal Payouts Bolstered Flood Policy Uptake, Insured Value

The availability of a federal flood payout in a county in a given year increased the number of flood insurance policies by 5.2% and the total insured value of the policies by 4.6% in the following year, a new study …

US Climate Report Shows Rising Temps, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Headed Down

A new national climate report that shows temperatures rapidly rising, but it also has some good news for the U.S. The Fifth National Climate Assessment, which analyzes the impacts of climate and global change in the U.S., shows that global …

FIO’s Climate-Related Financial Risk Data Collection Finalized

The Department of Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office finalized its proposed Climate-Related Financial Risk Data Collection. The FIO in June released a report analyzing climate-related issues and gaps in U.S. insurance supervision and regulation, calling state regulatory efforts fragmented and limited. …

Report: ‘Climate-Exacerbated Wildfires’ Cost U.S. $394B-$893B Each Year

“Climate-exacerbated wildfires” cost the nation $394 billion to $893 billion each year in economic costs and damages, according to a Congressional report out this week. The range combines estimates from existing research on property damage, deaths and injuries, health impacts …

Climate Change Can Cause U.S. Households ‘Significant Financial Strain’

Households can experience significant financial strain through pressures to income and expenses due to climate hazards, a report from the U.S. Department of Treasury shows. The report, The Impact of Climate Change on American Household Finances, adds to the department’s …

Report Examines Hot Summer Days Linked to Climate Change in U.S. Cities

A new analysis shows which U.S. states, regions and cities felt the strongest influence of climate change during the summer – the hottest on record. The analysis from Climate Central, a group of scientists and communicators who research and report …

Report: Climate Change Boosts Risk of Extreme Wildfires 25%

A group of scientists used machine learning to quantify empirical relationships between temperature and the risk of extreme daily wildfire growth in California to show the influence of temperature on the risk – and they found that climate change boosts …

More Funding for U.S.-Based Provider of Retained Climate Risk Reinsurance

Demex Group raised $5 million from a syndicate of existing and new investors the company says will address accumulating losses caused by secondary perils. The managing general agent, which “operates at the intersection of climate, insurance, and technology,” last year …

Report: 244M in U.S. Felt at Least One July Day with Temps Likely Due to Climate Change

Eight-in-10 people around the globe in July were exposed to one day or more of heat made at least three times more likely by climate change, and 244 million people in the U.S. experienced at least one such day in …