Climate Control News

California Commissioner Explains Call for Insurer Divestment from Coal

One can say California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has a beef with coal. Jones made a bold move on Jan. 25 when he asked all insurance companies doing business in California to voluntarily divest from their investments in thermal coal …

Survey of Economists Shows Climate Change Impact Sooner, More Severe

The impact from climate change is more imminent than most believe, and it’s going to take a big economic chunk out of a lot of bottom-lines. That’s according to a recent report from the Institute for Policy Integrity, a non-partisan …

Reinsurance Group Head Puts Science in Climate Change Discussion

Asked for his thoughts on climate change, Frank Nutter expeditiously turned to science. His sphere of influence is far-ranging as president of the Reinsurance Association of America, a position he’s held since 1991. Nutter has addressed the topic of climate …

Warm 2016 May Help Put Climate Change on The Map – Even Higher That Is

If you think you heard a lot about climate change in 2015, wait till next year – or next week depending on how you want to look at it. Next year may be on track to the be warmest year …

Scant U.S. Insurance Presence at Paris Summit, Says Ceres

You’d think just about everyone who’s anyone attended the massive climate change summit in Paris ending this week. The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21, drew an estimated 50,000 attendees to discuss ways to reduce Mankind’s carbon footprint, …

What Do Thanksgiving and Climate Change Have in Common?

You have to be either strange or bored to Google the phrase, “What do climate change and Thanksgiving have in common?” So I did. Believe it or not I got results, and found that there are at least two things …

Paper Fingers Climate Change for California Wildfires

There was a bit of hesitation from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist Stephanie C. Herring when she was asked questions about the increased risk and the implications of that risk for the insurance industry posed by climate change. Hesitation …

Economics of Climate Change, Climate Fiction and Climate Control

With fresh news out on the global economic cost of climate change, an enticing climate fiction contest and a sweet victory for this column, it would take until Christmas to individually cover it all in a bimonthly space. So I’ll …

Climate Change Means Wildfire Seasons May Continue: Professor

The drought-plagued western U.S. has had more than its share of fires this year – but this may not be the last year that the nation sees so many wildfires gone wild. A Yale University professor looking back over the …

Watchdog Says Corporations Say One Thing, Do Another on Climate Change

It’s all a masquerade. The business world has not embraced action on climate change as statements from some corporations seem to indicate. So says a new watchdog group out of London. Nonprofit InfluenceMap late last month launched a website, along …