Climate Control News

‘Ridesharing’ a Climate Change Solution around the Corner

The solution to reducing carbon emissions may be just around the corner. Car sharing can reduce gas consumption and could ultimately help in the battle to curb climate change, according to a Natural Resources Defense Council director, who maintains that …

Sierra Club Dragging State Farm into Climate Change Battle

A State Farm executive is coming under fire from activists for his position on the board of what some consider to be a “climate denier” group. Sierra Club, a progressive investor group and other activist organizations have been waging an …

Chilling Out Will Be Answer to Climate Change, Scientist Says

What to do about a warming planet? Just crank up the air-conditioning. No one’s being a smart aleck, and you won’t find any sarcasm in a recent study by a Stanford University professor that shows what it will feel like …

Is Climate Change Now Its Own Industry?

Interest in climate change is becoming an increasingly powerful economic driver, so much so that some see it as an industry in itself whose growth is driven in large part by policymaking. The $1.5 trillion global “climate change industry” grew …

Report Sees Major Food Shortage as Climate Change Danger

Climate change reports and studies abound lately – as you will note from a previous column – but one recent report gives potentially the starkest prediction yet of what impacts climate change could have. The report from Lloyd’s of London, …

Spate of Climate Change Reports Ahead of Global Summit

Ahead of December’s big and much-talked about United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21 or CMP11, it seems there’s been an information ramp up of sorts. I’m not just talking about Pope Francis’ crusade to call attention to climate change – …

Insurers Stepping Toward Greater Green Investment Footprint

This is the second of a two-part column on green bonds.The first installment focused on bond sales. Australian carrier QBE Insurance Group Ltd. has invested $190 million Australian Dollars ($148.42 million) in four green bonds in the last year-and-a-half, and …

Green Bond Wave Ahead of Climate Change Conference in Paris?

This is the first of a two-part column on green bonds. The second installment will include interviews with Axa, QBE and Zurich. Ahead the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in December, also called COP21 or CMP11, there are …

Insurance Pros: What Are Your Thoughts on Climate Change?

President Barack Obama and potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush declared a war of words within the war on climate change this week. The two diametrically opposed politicians’ verbal clash in the media may be a portentous glimpse at one of …

Weather Derivatives Backed By Climate Change Clamor

According to William W. Windle, managing director of Munich Re Trading LLC, business has been brisk lately in the weather derivatives market. There are many reasons for this, and while Windle may wince at any suggestion that the current weather …