Climate Control News

Earth Day, Climate Change and Drought

As much of the U.S. and the rest of the planet celebrated Earth Day, California politicos and leaders squabbled over how best to deal with the ongoing drought – which may or may not be caused by climate change, depending …

How Another Country’s Insurance Industry Is Facing Climate Change

Tim Grafton, chief executive of the Insurance Council of New Zealand, lives in a country surrounded by risk on all sides, and he’s unabashed in his efforts to use flooding events, frequent storms or other out-of-the-usual weather phenomenon as opportunities …

U.S. Dominates Climate Change Litigation

It’s almost counterintuitive if you think about it. There is far more litigation related to climate change in the U.S. compared with Europe, which is usually considered more progressive on the issue. For an example of how climate change can …

Climate Change Modeling on Cusp of Paradigm Shift

In the face of growing interest in climate change impacts, several big catastrophe modelers said they’ve heard from more clients interested in receiving climate-related data and they believe the field is on the cusp of a change in the way …

Climate Change Regulations for Insurers Not Out of Realm of Possibility

Some sort of climate change regulation for the insurance industry could be just around the corner. Then again, it might not be. It’s a tossup in the eyes of Don Reed, a managing director in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ U.S. sustainable business solutions …

Deloitte Insurance Report Keys in on Climate Change

The potential impact of climate change on the insurance industry was important enough for consulting giant Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. to include the topic as a significant part of its recent 2015 Property and Casualty Insurance Outlook. The bulk of …

Global Risk Investment May R!SE With U.N., Willis-Backed Initiative

There is opportunity in climate change. That’s the frown-upside down view being taken by at least one large insurance broker under part of a global initiative to heighten the awareness of global risk and investing opportunities. Operating under the umbrella …

Climate Change in 2015 Could be Bigger Than Religion – or Selfie

The phrase “climate change” yields roughly 108 million results in a Google search – in the ballpark in terms of numbers of results with “Jesus Christ,” “Mohamed” and “selfie” – and you can expect the phrase to become an even …

Insurer Philadelphia Cos. Counts Carbon Footprint

It’s no secret that many property/casualty insurers are tackling climate change on the back end through more sophisticated catastrophe modeling, calls for more resilient communities and pricing. But it seems to be a common misconception that the industry – like …

Insurance Industry Is Leader on Climate Change, Report Says

The insurance industry is being called out by an international research institution for its progressive attitude on climate change. A white paper put out by the nonprofit Urban Land Institute this week urges the real estate sector and government planners …