Climate Control News

Crop Of Climate Corps May Bloom in Ag Insurance Landscape

You can still shake your climate moneymaker. Climate change certainly didn’t carry the day in the November elections. It shouldn’t be news to anyone that the topic ushered in few if any victories for those who had it high on …

Regulator Takes Focus on Climate Change Preparedness

With a calm demeanor and in a somewhat scientific tone he doesn’t mind using while explaining his stance on something, Mike Kreidler stood by his decision to call out the insurance industry and the rest of the nation’s insurance commissioners …

States’ Efforts on Climate Change Adaptation: Half Full or Half Empty?

Who hates that glass-half-full analogy? I’m guessing more than half of you, but let’s not let that stand in the way of using the clichéd-to-death philosophical quandary to illustrate a point being made by a new online tool that shows …

Attribution Science, Extreme Weather and Why They Matter

There is a love-hate relationship with the word “new.” It’s used far too often, but without it as a preface some of us don’t bother to pay attention to what’s coming next. A “new task” scientists have grappled with in …

Insurers Bonding with Climate Change Battle

Nearly one-in-five major investors in green bonds issued by one of the world’s largest players in that market is coming from the insurance industry. If you haven’t heard much about green bonds and insurance investments up to now, you probably …

Paleo Mega-Drought Bleeds All Over Western U.S.

A blood-red blotch that stains California kind of looks like its own nation slowly overgrowing the Western region of the U.S. map. Despite the gore, the latest version of the U.S. Drought Monitor map just out today actually looks slightly …

Underwriting and an EICy Approach to Climate Change

Floating together in a muck of alphabet soup the insurance industry, the government and the scientific community can be assured success in at least one thing amid their combined efforts to deal with climate change. It’s not an OMG revelation, …

Drought Weakens Links in Supply Chain Metaphor

The weakest link in the great global economic cog is the gazillion supply chains that bind us all. At one time these chains were an ironic metaphor. Instead of shackling companies, supply chains were providing ever greater freedom and flexibility …

Hartwig Turns Back King Hammurabi’s Playbook on Resilience

The U.S. government may be starting to embrace concepts that date back to Babylonian King Hammurabi’s reign 3,800 years ago. When President Barack Obama on July 16 issued climate change initiatives on guarding the electricity supply, improving flood planning, protecting …

Hartwig Turns Back King Hammurabi’s Playbook on Resilience

The U.S. government today may be starting to embrace concepts that date back to Babylonian King Hammurabi’s reign some 3,800 years ago. When President Barack Obama on July 16 issued a set of climate change initiatives encouraging steps like guarding …