Climate Control News

California Releases Climate Draft Plan, Axis Accelerates Retreat from Coal

Insurer Axis Capital Holdings Ltd. announced new a policy restricting insurance and investments in coal, tar sands oil, and Arctic oil and gas. Axis committed to stop insuring any company developing coal infrastructure and phase out all coal business. Axis …

Report: A Fifth of U.S. Insurance Company Board Members Have Worked in Fossil Fuel Industry

A report out Thursday from a climate change advocacy group alleges that more than one-fifth of U.S. insurance company board members have worked for the fossil fuel industry, and that two-thirds of all U.S. insurance company board members are “climate …

U.S. Insurance Regulator Hosting Another Climate Summit

A report from the Mortgage Bankers Association says there’s little doubt that climate change will impact housing and the housing finance industry, and while just how great that impact will be is as of yet unknown, the authors take a …

Zurich and Swiss Re Leaning Even Greener, While Gen Zers Covet Climate Jobs

Zurich is deepening emissions cuts and adding green options for customers. Zurich Insurance Group announced this week it is “taking global measures” to accelerate cuts in carbon emissions from its operations in response to climate change. Measures include new air …

Report: More U.S. Residents Heading Toward Climate Change Dangers Than Away

It’s counterintuitive to run toward a fire, or any risk for that matter, but that mindest doesn’t seem to always hold. U.S. counties with the biggest proportions of homes facing high heat, drought, fire, flood and storm risk saw their …

Concerned Scientists Outline What U.S. Should Do to Deal with Climate Change

Six insurers have ruled out Arctic refuge drilling, according to a report out this week from the Gwich’in Steering Committee. The Gwich’in are the northernmost Indian Nation living in 15 villages scattered across an area from northeast Alaska to the …

Scientists Call for Urgent Climate Change Action, Citing ‘Tipping Point’

The California Climate Insurance Working Group has released 40 state and local policy recommendations focused on reducing damage and improving recovery following a wildfire, extreme heat wave, or flood. The report “Protecting Communities, Preserving Nature, and Building Resiliency; How First-of-Its-Kind …

U.S. Heatwave ‘Virtually Impossible’ Without Climate Change, Scientists Say

An international group of 27 climate scientists have concluded that the recent heat wave in the Pacific Northwest was “virtually impossible without human-caused climate change.” National Weather Service reports show that in late June Seattle, Wash., reached all-time high temperature …

AIG Releases Its First Environmental, Social and Governance Report

The International Renewable Energy Agency says a surge in private lending for renewable energy projects this decade is a must in order to meeting global targets to limit the rise of temperatures worldwide. That’s according to a Bloomberg Green report …

Is a Climate Change-Driven ‘Megadrought’ Looming over Parts of U.S.?

The Western U.S. could be in for a wild ride thanks to climate change. That’s the brunt of the buzz in the news this week, as multiple media outlets gave heavy coverage to the severe drought and heatwave currently creeping …