Climate disclosure News

Climate Standard Setters Must Avoid Hardwiring Disclosure Differences: G20 Watchdog

Standard setters must work faster to avoid hardwiring differences between their finalized climate-related company disclosures, which would fragment markets, the G20’s Financial Stability Board (FSB) said on Tuesday. To help meet net-zero carbon emission targets, companies face mandatory rules on …

Corporate America Looks for Leeway on U.S. Climate Disclosures

Business associations for top U.S.-listed companies have pushed back against a landmark proposal by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to make corporate America disclose a range of greenhouse gas emission figures. Groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the …

New Layer of Federal Oversight for Climate Disclosures Not Needed: Triple-I

Creating a new layer of federal oversight would neither enhance nor standardize the climate-related disclosures U.S. insurers make to investors, the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) said in a letter sent today to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Triple-I’s …

Canada Releases Draft Guidelines to Manage Financial Risks of Climate Change

A Canadian financial regulator released draft guidelines on Thursday to mitigate the risks of climate change as the country’s financial institutions prepare for mandatory disclosures starting in 2024. The guidelines, issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions …

Financial Services Firms Face Disclosure Requirements for Biodiversity Investments

DAVOS, Switzerland – Financial firms already struggling with climate-compliance due to unclear measurement metrics will soon face new disclosure requirements for biodiversity, or nature-related, investments. “Nature is a financial risk for business,” Elizabeth Mrema, co-chair of the Taskforce on Nature-related …

New Global Standard Setter for Corporate Sustainability Drafts 1st Guidelines

A new global standard setter for company sustainability reporting set out its first draft guidelines on Thursday [March 31], entering a crowded field as trillions of dollars pour into investments marketed as “green.” The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) published …

Goldman Sachs Vows to Push Directors for More Climate Disclosure

Goldman Sachs’ big asset-management arm will take a harder line in voting on directors at companies that do not disclose enough about their greenhouse gas emissions, an executive said on Thursday, adding to the pressure on business leaders to provide …

Group Vows to Hold Shell Directors Personally Liable for Alleged Climate Plan Failure

LONDON — Environmental lawyers ClientEarth said on Tuesday they were preparing legal action against the directors of Shell over the company’s climate transition plan, in what they said would be the first such case of its kind. The ClientEarth lawyers …

Bank of England to Push Banks, Insurers on Climate Risk Capital Requirements

The Bank of England will crack down from next year on banks and insurers that do not hold enough capital to cover risks from climate change, while also considering bespoke safety buffers. Climate-related financial risks are partially captured by existing …

Corporate Climate Risk Disclosures Still Falling Short, Regulators Say

Around half of companies assessed have begun to apply globally agreed climate-related disclosure standards for helping investors to pick firms committed to sustainability, regulators said on Thursday. A task force set up by the Financial Stability Board – which groups …