Climate Prediction Center (CPC) News

With El Nino Warming, Talk Turns to Cool La Nina

Just because the weather-roiling El Nino in the Pacific Ocean is still months from peaking, it doesn’t mean it’s too early to talk about La Nina. La Nina, sometimes thought of as El Nino’s opposite number, is a cooling of …

El Niño Likely to Last Through Northern Hemisphere Summer: U.S. Forecaster

The El Niño climate phenomenon is almost certain to last through the Northern Hemisphere summer, the U.S. weather forecaster said, raising the chance of heavy rain in the southern United States as well as South America, and scorching heat in …

Atlantic Hurricane Season Peaks with No Named Storms

The statistical peak of the Atlantic hurricane season has arrived and for the first time since 2000 there isn’t a named storm in the basin. While forecasters are watching a pair of potential candidates, neither is likely to grow into …

El Niño Chances Lowered to 60%

A U.S. weather forecaster pegged the likelihood of the El Niño weather phenomenon occurring during the Northern Hemisphere autumn and winter at 60-65 percent in its monthly update on Thursday. The Climate Prediction Center (CPC), an agency of the National …

National Weather Service Tweaks Storm Warnings

The National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said it is adding two threat levels to its weather outlooks so people aren’t surprised by really bad storms on days with just a “slight risk” of tornadoes, hail or high winds. Beginning …

Chances of El Nino Formation this Summer Now Exceed 65% – CPC Report

The chances have increased over the past month that the much-feared El Nino weather phenomenon, which can wreak havoc on global crops, will strike this year, the federal U.S. forecaster said Thursday. In its monthly report, the Climate Prediction Center …

El Nino Could Strike as Early as Summer Says U.S. Forecaster CPC

The much-feared El Nino phenomenon, the warming of sea surface temperatures in the Pacific which can trigger drought in Southeast Asia and Australia and floods in South America, could strike the Northern Hemisphere as early as next summer, U.S. weather …

NOAA’s CPC Sees El Niño Problems ‘Unlikely’ in No. Hemisphere for Summer

The U.S. national weather forecaster reiterated on Thursday its forecast that the much-feared El Niño phenomenon is unlikely to affect the Northern Hemisphere weather into the summer months. In its monthly report, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction …