climate risk News

Climate Change Will Raise the Cost of Canada’s Natural Disasters: Insurers

Canada will have to set aside more money to deal with natural disasters like wildfires, storms and floods as climate change starts to bite, the head of the country’s property insurance industry group said on Wednesday. A wildfire sweeping through …

Institutional Investors Ignore Climate Risks Despite Bank of England Warning

The number big investors ignoring climate change risk increased last year despite a stark warning from Bank of England Governor Mark Carney about the potential for “huge” losses from a sudden shift in regulation designed to curb global warming and …

EU Contributes $15.8M to Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility

The European Commission has agreed to contribute €14 million ($15.8 million) so the governments of Central American countries and the Dominican Republic can access to “low cost, high quality catastrophe risk insurance.” The agreement will be executed by the World …

The Nature Conservancy Looks to Address South Florida Climate, Catastrophe Risks

The Nature Conservancy has announced plans to work with catastrophe risk modeling firm RMS, as well as with the Global Disaster Preparedness Center and others, in an effort to address climate impacts in South Florida. The global conservation organization said …

Supply Chains Thwart Climate Risk Management for 75 Major Companies: Report

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Coca-Cola Co. and 73 other companies that together buy more than $2 trillion of goods and services are unprepared for climate shocks because suppliers are ignoring requests for data on their exposure to rising temperatures and …

Planet Moves Closer to Dangerous Levels of Warming with 2015 Temperatures: UN

The planet is halfway to dangerous levels of global warming, with the average temperature for 2015 set to eclipse last year’s record, the United Nations said. This year’s average temperature will be “approximately” 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above …

Climate Risk May Hit Equity Portfolios as Investor Sentiment Shifts: Study

Equity portfolios may lose as much as 45 percent of their value due to shifting investor sentiment about climate change, according to a report by. Investors are becoming more aware of the short-term impact that the warming planet may have …

Global Temperature Rise on Track to Hit Half-Way Point of ‘Tolerable Threshold’

The world is on track to reach 1 degree Celsius of global warming this year since the industrial revolution, the half-way point toward the maximum tolerable threshold identified by scientists. That’s the conclusion of the Met Office, the U.K. government-backed …

Institutional Investors’ Fossil-Fuel Divestment Exceeds $2.6 Trillion

Portfolio managers have pledged to steer $2.6 trillion in investments away from fossil fuels in an effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. That’s a 50-fold increase from the cumulative total a year ago, $50 billion, as environmental groups increased pressure …

As Climate Talks Resume, Divisions Between Poor & Rich Nations Highlighted

Just days before global negotiators were set to meet for talks on climate change, Tropical Storm Erika killed at least 20 people on Dominica. The small Caribbean island evoked the tragedy to highlight divisions between industrialized nations and developing economies …