climate risk News

Geneva Association Study Analyzes Asian Flood Risks, Insurability

The Geneva Association has released a 47 page report that details the particulars of insuring the risks from floods in Asia’s “high growth” markets. “In Asia, the insurance protection gap is yawning particularly widely,” the study concludes. “Less than 10 …

UK’s Aviva to Target $3.9B in Renewable Energy Investments

Aviva plc will target 2.5 billion pounds ($3.9 billion) of investments in renewables and energy efficiency over five years to cut exposure to climate risks. The company, which manages about 250 billion pounds of assets, will embed carbon risk into …

London Imports Climate-Related Risks Through Insurers, Supply Chains

London is importing climate-related risks through investments, insurers and supply chains, according to a new report that details dangers posed to the UK capital by global warming beyond the physical effects. More than half of FTSE 100 companies and 60 …

G7 Endorses African Risk Capacity Program as Model for Climate Insurance

An announcement from African Risk Capacity (ARC) notes that “G7 leaders have singled out Africa’s first parametric catastrophe insurance pool, as a model upon which to develop catastrophe insurance solutions in vulnerable regions. “During the 41st G7 summit in June, …

AXA Plans to Sell Coal Assets, Citing Concerns About Climate Change

France’s largest insurer will scrap holdings in coal companies because of concerns about climate change, broadening support for the fossil-fuel divestment movement to a major mainstream investor. AXA SA Chief Executive Officer Henri de Castries said he’s working to sell …

Climate Change Report Slams Insurers for ‘Profound Lack of Preparedness’

A report on the insurance industry released Wednesday shows “a profound lack of preparedness in addressing climate-related risks and opportunities.” Insurance industry representatives immediately criticized the report as a negative take on the industry’s ability to adapt and not reflective …