climate risks News

Rising Sea Temperatures Could Kill 90% of Coral Reefs by 2050: Scientists

There were startling colors here just a year ago, a dazzling array of life beneath the waves. Now this Maldivian reef is dead, killed by the stress of rising ocean temperatures. What’s left is a haunting expanse of gray, a …

XL Catlin Launches $500,000 Fund for Scientists Researching Ocean Risks

XL Catlin has launched a $500,000 fund to support “early career scientists” undertaking research into the changing ocean environment. The XL Catlin Ocean Risk Grants will be awarded to scientists for final year BSc, Masters and PhD research. The fund …

Insurer & Investor Group Urges G20 to Scrap Fossil Fuel Subsidies by 2020

Investors and insurers with more than $2.8 trillion in assets under management on Wednesday called on the Group of 20 economies to phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2020 despite U.S. doubts about climate change. G20 nations should work “to …

G20 Task Force to Ask Firms to Disclose How They Manage Climate Risks

A global task force set up to try to prevent market shocks from the warming of the planet will ask companies to disclose how they manage risks to their business from climate change and greenhouse gas emission cuts. Although the …

Insurers, Banks & Pension Funds ‘Must Address’ Climate Risk Exposures

The world’s insurers, banks and pension funds are “inherently susceptible” to threats from climate change and must make adjustments, from shifting investment toward environmentally friendly industries to revamping strategies to reduce risk, said the Global Risk Institute. “Climate change is …

The Nature Conservancy Looks to Address South Florida Climate, Catastrophe Risks

The Nature Conservancy has announced plans to work with catastrophe risk modeling firm RMS, as well as with the Global Disaster Preparedness Center and others, in an effort to address climate impacts in South Florida. The global conservation organization said …

‘Weird & Wacky’ Methods to Absorb Global Warming Pollution Viewed Too Risky

Some of the most dramatic measures to suck global warming pollution out of the atmosphere are probably too risky to be worth trying, an academic at a climate research institution concluded. Phil Williamson, a scientist at the University of East …

Climate Change May Have Fueled Mosquito-Born Zika Outbreak: Scientists

Climate change may have fueled the outbreak of the mosquito-born Zika virus in Latin American and make it harder for developing countries to manage future epidemics, researchers said. Record-high temperatures last year in Brazil, Ecuador and other South America countries …

Supply Chains Thwart Climate Risk Management for 75 Major Companies: Report

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Coca-Cola Co. and 73 other companies that together buy more than $2 trillion of goods and services are unprepared for climate shocks because suppliers are ignoring requests for data on their exposure to rising temperatures and …

Climate Risk May Hit Equity Portfolios as Investor Sentiment Shifts: Study

Equity portfolios may lose as much as 45 percent of their value due to shifting investor sentiment about climate change, according to a report by. Investors are becoming more aware of the short-term impact that the warming planet may have …