climate science News

Markets/Coverages: Aon Incorporates Climate Science Into European Flood Models

Insurance broker Aon has incorporate the latest climate science into its Impact Forecasting’s European flood models to help enable insurers to access more accurate loss estimates to help make better decisions for underwriting, reinsurance and regulatory requirements. The models are …

Weather’s Unwanted Guest: Nasty La Nina Keeps Showing Up

Something weird is up with La Nina, the natural but potent weather event linked to more drought and wildfires in the western United States and more Atlantic hurricanes. It’s becoming the nation’s unwanted weather guest and meteorologists said the West’s …

White House Eyes Panel to Question Climate Threat to Security

The White House is advancing plans to form a presidential panel that will question science used in U.S. military and intelligence reports showing that human-driven climate change poses national security risks, according to a source briefed by participants in the …

Climate Scientists Coming to Terms with Skeptical Trump Administration

Climate scientists worried that President-elect Donald Trump will slash their budgets and sideline their research are entering survival mode, trimming the words “climate change” from study proposals, emphasizing business applications of their work, and safeguarding data that shows global warming …

Researchers Find Link Between Atlantic Hurricanes and Amazon Wildfires

Researchers have uncovered a “remarkably strong link” between high wildfire risk in the Amazon basin and the hurricanes that ravage North Atlantic shorelines. The wildfire-hurricane association is a result of ocean-atmosphere interactions, according to the researchers who say this north-south …

New El Nino Warnings Could Help Farmers Withstand Drought, Floods

Scientists have found a way to forecast El Nino weather events in the Pacific a year in advance, long enough to let farmers plant crops less vulnerable to global shifts in rainfall, a study showed on Monday. While far from …