climate News

Extreme Weather Is Nearly Universal Experience: Poll

An overwhelming majority of people in the U.S. say they have recently experienced an extreme weather event, a new poll shows, and most of them attribute that to climate change. But even as people across the country joined last Saturday …

U.S. Proposes 56% Vehicle Emissions Cut by 2032, Requiring Big EV Jump

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday proposed sweeping emissions cuts for new cars and trucks through 2032, a move it says could mean two out of every three new vehicles automakers sell will be electric within a decade. …

EPA to Propose New Vehicle Pollution Cuts, Sees Big EV Jump

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is set to propose new rules to spur sweeping cuts in vehicle emissions pollution that will push automakers towards a big increase in electric vehicle sales, sources told Reuters. The proposed rules are expected to …

The U.S. Leads the World in Weather Catastrophes – Here’s Why

The United States is Earth’s punching bag for nasty weather. Blame geography for the U.S. getting hit by stronger, costlier, more varied and frequent extreme weather than anywhere on the planet, several experts said. Two oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, …

$264M Offered for Gulf Oil Under Climate Compromise

Oil companies offered a combined $264 million for drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday in a sale mandated by last year’s climate bill compromise. The auction was the first in the Gulf in more than a year …

Exxon Broke Rules With Late Reporting of Methane Leak

Exxon Mobil Corp. failed to initially report a release of the super-potent greenhouse gas methane in the Permian Basin that occurred in early February, violating state rules. The incident at the company’s facility in New Mexico was reported after it …

Global Insured Losses From Natural Disasters Topped $130B in 2022 in 5th Costliest Year

Economic losses from natural disasters in 2022 were estimated at $313 billion, with an insurance price tag of approximately $132 billion, according to Aon. Roughly 42% of economic losses were covered by public and private insurance entities, which translates into …

Climate Is Forcing the Most Risk-Aware Industry to Reinvent Itself

When it comes to climate impacts, the frontline of the finance industry is insurance. Last year’s payout from damages caused by extreme-weather events totaled $120 billionβ€”about the same as the economic output of Kenya. And that’s a 50% increase over …

CEOs Face Challenge Over Sluggish Climate Efforts

A return to Davos by corporate titans and their bankers after recent record Alpine temperatures has turned a spotlight on just how quickly they are moving to rein in carbon emissions. The number of organizations pledging to get to net-zero …

Four Countries Urge EU to Set Date for New CO2-Emitting Trucks

The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Luxembourg have urged the European Union to fix a date by which new trucks and buses sold in Europe must have zero carbon dioxide emissions. The European Commission is set to propose tougher CO2 standards …