D&O Prices Down, Auto Up in Q3; Other Commercial Lines Stable

Price decreases accelerated for directors and officers insurance in the 2016 third quarter, a period during which commercial insurance prices generally remained flat once again overall. The latest Willis Towers Watson’s Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing Survey showed prices charged on …

Commercial Insurance Pricing Inched Up in Q1: Willis Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices increased only a bit in aggregate (less than 1 percent) during the first quarter of 2016, according to the latest Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing Survey (CLIPS). While price changes in the first quarter for most lines of …

Commercial Lines Prices Up Only 4% in Q1: Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices increased by 4 percent in aggregate during the first quarter of 2014, marking the lowest level of growth since fourth-quarter 2011, according to a new survey by Towers Watson. The increase is a full percentage point lower …

Commercial Lines Price Hikes Slowing: Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices have risen for 12 straight quarters, including the latest jump of 5 percent in aggregate during fourth-quarter 2013. But price gains are slowing down, according to Towers Watson. The global professional services company published the fourth-quarter update …

Commercial Lines Price Gains Slowing Down: Towers Watson

Even though commercial insurance prices increased for the 11th straight quarter—rising by 5 percent in aggregate during third-quarter 2013—price gains are slowing down, according to Towers Watson. According to The professional services company’s third-quarter update to its Commercial Lines Insurance …

Commercial Insurance Prices Up 7% in Q4 2012: Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices rose by almost seven percent in aggregate during the fourth quarter of 2012, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of price increases and the fourth showing increases across every line surveyed, according to the latest Commercial Lines Insurance …

Commercial Insurers Continue Raising Rates, Improve Loss Ratios: Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices in aggregate increased by six percent during the third quarter of 2012, the seventh consecutive quarter that aggregate prices for all commercial lines rose. The latest Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing Survey (CLIPS) conducted by Towers Watson compared …

Commercial Insurance Prices Continue to Rise: Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices in aggregate increased by nearly five percent during the first quarter of 2012, the fifth consecutive quarter that prices rose. In addition, commercial insurers’ loss ratios stabilized for most insurance lines and improved in lines with the …

Commercial Lines Prices Up for 4th Straight Quarter: Survey

Commercial insurance prices increased an aggregate 3 percent during the fourth quarter of 2011, the fourth consecutive quarter during which prices for all standard commercial lines rose. Additionally, earned price increases are beginning to offset portions of reported claim cost …

Prices Up in All Commercial Lines: Towers Watson

In an indication that the market may be hardening, commercial insurance prices in aggregate increased by nearly 1.5 percent during the second quarter of 2011. It’s the first time since the fourth quarter of 2003 that all standard commercial lines …