coal mine safety regulation News

Coal Executive Murray Files for Federal Benefits to Treat His Black Lung Disease

U.S. coal baron Robert Murray, whose company Murray Energy filed for bankruptcy last year, has applied for federal benefits to treat his black lung disease after opposing more stringent coal dust regulations for years, according to report by West Virginia …

Kentucky Reduces Number of Coal Mine Safety Inspections to Cut Costs

Kathy Bartlett watched helplessly this spring as Kentucky lawmakers cut back on mine safety inspections and replaced them with coaching sessions on miners’ safety habits. She knows more than most what’s at stake. Bartlett’s son, Rickey Thorpe, was crushed to …

Investigators Conclude Crushed Kentucky Miner Not Wearing Safety Device

Federal investigators have concluded that a worker crushed to death by a machine at a Kentucky coal mine earlier this year wasn’t wearing an emergency shut-off device, and that his managers had not provided a way to securely attach it. …

Exiting U.S. Mine Safety Chief Hopeful Safety Progress Will Continue

The nation’s coal mines are headed for another record low year in workplace deaths, and the outgoing federal mine safety chief said he’s hopeful that mining companies will work with the incoming Trump administration to continue that progress. Joe Main …

Record Number of Miners Being Diagnosed with Black Lung Disease

New data show many more coal miners across Appalachia suffering from the most serious form of black lung disease than federal regulators previously reported. National Public Radio reported Friday that its investigation shows cases 10 times more prevalent, with data …

Coal Miner Killed in Kentucky, 3rd Industry Fatality in 2016

A coal miner in western Kentucky died after being pinned against a wall by a mobile digging machine in an underground mine, the first coal mining death in the state this year and the third nationally. The death prompted a …