coastal erosion News

Louisiana Politicians Join Suits Blaming Big Oil for Coastal Ruin

The oil industry has left a big footprint along the Gulf Coast, where a Delaware-sized stretch of Louisiana has disappeared. But few politicians would blame Big Oil for ecosystem abuse in a state where the industry employs up to 300,000 …

Study: Billions at Stake if Pace of Land Loss Continues on Louisiana Coast

A new state study places a price tag on the costs Louisiana could suffer if land loss continues at the pace predicted by scientists — and it’s in the billions of dollars. The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority commissioned the …

North Carolina Lawmakers Try to Expand Number of Erosion-Controlling Structures

Some legislators are once again trying to expand the number of certain erosion-controlling structures allowed by law along the North Carolina coast. This time, they’re trying to do it through the state budget. Republican budget negotiators confirmed Wednesday they’ve recommended …

Federal Judge Dismisses Louisiana Levee Board’s Suit against Oil Companies

A federal judge has dismissed a New Orleans-area levee authority’s lawsuit charging oil and gas companies with destroying Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. The lawsuit was filed by the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East in 2013 against nearly 100 oil and gas …

Communities at Risk in Wake of Failure to Address Rising Seas

Missions flown from the NASA base here have documented some of the most dramatic evidence of a warming planet over the past 20 years: the melting of polar ice, a force contributing to a global rise in ocean levels. The …

Louisiana Residents Moving from Coastal Areas Due to Erosion

A new report says commuting statistics indicate that coastal parishes are losing residents because of coastal erosion. And it says those left behind tend to be those who cannot afford to move. The Data Center, based in New Orleans, said …

UK Continues to Face Flood Risk Despite Falling River Levels: AIR Analysis

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, this winter has been the wettest in the United Kingdom since detailed data was first published in 1910, and the rainfall total for January was the highest recorded since 1766. The deluge began …

App May Help Track Impact of Louisiana Coastal Losses

An Internet-based app under development may help a Web app may help document the disappearing culture of south Louisiana communities are they are displaced by coastal erosion. Called “Vanishing Points,” the app is being developed by Florida International University student …