Coincheck News

Timeline: More Than $1 Billion in Cryptocurrency Thefts Since September 2012

Investors’ shaky confidence in virtual currencies took another hit after crypto exchange Bithumb, ranked seventh in the world by traded value on, suffered a hack that saw about 35 billion won ($32 million) worth of coins stolen. The South …

Hackers Steal $32M from S. Korean Cryptocurrency Exchange Bithumb

South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb said 35 billion won ($31.5 million) worth of virtual coins were stolen by hackers, the second local exchange targeted in just over a week as cyber thieves exposed the high risks of trading the digital …

Coincheck Will Start Compensating 260,000 Victims of $500M Cryptocurrency Heist

Coincheck Inc. said it will start compensating users who had their cryptocurrency stolen beginning as soon as next week, as the Japanese exchange seeks to resume more of its operations. All of the 260,000 users impacted by the theft of …

Timeline: Growing List of Major Cryptocurrency Heists

The $500 million heist of digital tokens from Japanese exchange Coincheck Inc. on Friday is remarkable for its sheer size, but thefts in the lightly regulated world of cryptocurrencies are woefully frequent. In less than a decade, hackers have stolen …

Insurers Begin to Offer Cryptocurrency Theft Cover, Tackling Risks of Growing Sector

Major global insurers are starting to offer protection against cryptocurrency theft, willing to tackle daunting challenges it brings rather than miss out on this volatile and loosely regulated, but rapidly growing business. So far only a few insurers sell such …