collusion News

US House Committee Report Finds Wall Street ‘Colluded’ to Curb Emissions

A U.S. congressional committee will accuse the biggest Wall Street firms on Tuesday, in a report seen by Reuters ahead of its publication, of colluding with advocacy groups to force companies to shrink their greenhouse gas emissions. The report is …

Exxon Claim of Bogus Schneiderman Probe Questioned by Judge

A federal judge questioned Exxon Mobil Corp.’s claim that a securities-fraud probe by New York’s Attorney General is flawed because its focus shifted from a suspected climate-change cover-up to whether investors were misled. An Exxon lawyer argued Thursday that “shifting …

The Libor Scandal – an Ongoing Major Catastrophe

The scope of the investigations that are unfolding in the wake of the charges against Barclay’s Bank that it rigged the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) have taken on the proportions of a major catastrophe. “17 of the 24 largest …