Colorado State University News

19 Named Storms Predicted by CSU Team; 70% Chance Major Hurricane Hits U.S.

Researchers at Colorado State University are predicting a very active 2022 Atlantic season, with 19 named storms. The average for named storms during the Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 through November) is 14.4. The initial forecast from the CSU Tropical …

Researchers Predict Above-Average Hurricane Season This Year

Colorado State University hurricane researchers are predicting an above-average Atlantic hurricane season in 2021, citing the likely absence of El Niño as a primary factor. The CSU Tropical Meteorology Project team is predicting 17 named storms during the Atlantic hurricane …

Experts: Cost of Hail Damage Will Continue to Rise

Hailstorms inflict billions of dollars in damage yearly in North America alone, and the cost will rise as the growing population builds more homes, offices and factories, according to climate and weather experts who spoke at a conference in Colorado …

Active Atlantic Hurricane Season Looms – as Odds Drop of El Niño Formation

Forecasters again lowered the odds of El Niño forming by year’s end, a scenario that may mean more Atlantic hurricanes at a time when federal agencies charged with predicting and responding to natural disasters lack top administrators. The updated forecast, …

Will 2016 See More Atlantic Hurricanes? Scientists Disagree

This summer and fall, the Atlantic Ocean might become a testing ground for competing scientific theories. After decades of warmth, there’s evidence that the ocean is cooling, a change that could mean fewer of the hurricanes that wreak havoc on …

Sophisticated Resilience Model in Development in Colorado – And It’ll be Free

Efforts are underway in Colorado to build a sophisticated computer model that will offer a look down to the minute details at just how communities may withstand – or crumble under – perils like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and other …

Heart of Atlantic Hurricane Season Starts as Storms Seem Dubious

The official start of the most active part of the Atlantic hurricane season arrives tomorrow with more of a whimper than a bang. If tradition holds, William Gray, who pioneered seasonal hurricane forecasting more than three decades ago, will ring …

Colorado University Gets Support for ERM and Insurance Program

The College of Business at Colorado State University is a step closer to launching a program to train students in the insurance and risk management fields thanks to a $150,000 gift from the IMA Foundation. The Enterprise Risk Management and …

2013 Hurricane Prediction: 72% Chance on East Coast; 48% for Florida

The Colorado State University team is predicting an above-average 2013 Atlantic basin hurricane season with 18 named storms and a 72 percent chance one will make landfall somewhere along the entire Eastern seaboard. Nine of those 18 named storms are …

Colorado University Seeks Farmers’ Experience With Drought

Researchers at Colorado State University want to hear from farmers across the state who have been affected by this year’s drought. The Fort Collins Coloradoan reported CSU agricultural economists want to gauge the full impact of the drought in hopes …