commercial lines market hardening News

How Lloyd’s Underwriters Are Viewing Today’s U.S. Casualty Insurance Environment

Today’s Lloyd’s of London market for casualty insurance is marked by rising prices, reduced capacity, and buyers embracing more self-insurance, according to underwriters at Lloyd’s. It is also marked by underwriters who still believe in the value of long-term relationships …

W.R. Berkley Q3 Profit Rises 36% to $137M; Rates on Renewed Policies Up 6.4%

W.R. Berkley Corp. reported $136.97 million net income for its 2013 third quarter, up 36 percent from $100.95 million income posted during the same period in 2012. For the first nine months of this year, net income came in at …

Prices Up Again in Q2 But Market Hardening May Be Moderating: The Council

Commercial property/casualty pricing continued to gently creep upwards in the second quarter, however signs of some moderating of increases also surfaced. The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers’ quarterly Commercial P/C Market Index Survey revealed that, on average, pricing rose …