commercial space travel News

White House Proposes Transportation, Commerce Agencies Handle Space Regulations

The Biden administration on Wednesday released a long-awaited proposal to split regulatory powers over emerging private-sector space activities between the U.S. transportation and commerce departments, according to a draft legislative proposal. The plan would expand the Federal Aviation Administration’s oversight …

SpaceX’s Starship Probe Ends With 63 Regulatory Fixes

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration wrapped up a technical investigation into SpaceX’s April test launch of its giant Starship rocket, saying in a Friday statement that the company must implement dozens of corrective measures before flying the vehicle again. The …

Sub Disaster Puts Spotlight on Another Extreme Venture: Space Tourism

Commercial space travel shares plenty of similarities with deep sea tourism: wealthy customers, tight spaces, far-flung destinations and waivers that clearly warn people they’re risking death by embarking on unregulated vehicles. As the world dissects what went wrong with the …

Bezos’ Blue Origin Suffers Rocket Failure During Uncrewed Mission

A rocket from Jeff Bezos’ space company Blue Origin failed mid-flight shortly after liftoff on Monday, aborting its cargo capsule to safety before crashing into the Texas desert, according to the company and a live video stream of the mission. …

Bezos’ 2021 Space Odyssey Is a Risk Too Far for Insurers

Launching one of the richest individuals on earth into orbit has proved a leap too far for insurers, who are not ready to price the risk of losing Jeff Bezos or his fellow space travelers. Amazon CEO Bezos, a lifelong …

NASA Says Software Errors May Have Doomed Boeing Starliner Flight Test

Defective software could have doomed Boeing’s crew capsule during its first test flight, a botched trip that was cut short and never made it to the International Space Station, NASA and company officials said Friday. The Starliner capsule launched without …

Virgin Galactic Spaceship Crashes; Co-Pilot Reported Dead

A spacecraft for Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Ltd. tourism operator crashed during a test flight in California’s Mojave Desert, killing the co-pilot and injuring the pilot. The pilot ejected and suffered “moderate to major injuries,” Kern County Sheriff’s spokesman Ray …

Commercial Rocket Explosion Draws Attention to Space Industry Risk, Oversight

A NASA advisory panel said earlier this year that inadequate funding jeopardized the safety of commercial space cargo shipments, such as the unmanned Orbital Sciences Corp. mission that exploded this week over Virginia. In its annual report released in January, …

New Mexico Space Industry Liability Bill Clears Legislature

The Legislature entered the final week of its 60-day session with many major issues still unresolved, but lawmakers have given final approval to a proposal to help New Mexico develop a commercial space travel industry. Legislation to limit the liability …