Commonwealth Fund News

Costs, Underinsurance Bigger Challenge Than Uninsured in U.S. Health System

America’s much-maligned health care system is covering 9 out of 10 people, a fact that hasn’t stopped the 2020 presidential candidates from refighting battles about how to provide coverage, from Bernie Sanders’ call for replacing private insurance with a government …

Will Young Adults Sign Onto Obamacare?

If uninsured young Americans shun the new health plans offered under President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law, it will be because the insurance costs too much and not because they don’t expect to need much medical care, according to a …

Study Urges National Healthcare Spending Target

The United States could save $2 trillion in healthcare spending over the next decade, if the U.S. government used its influence in the public and private sectors to nudge soaring costs into line with economic growth, a study released on …

RAND Study: Ending Individual Mandate Would Cut Coverage, Hike Government’s Costs

Eliminating the federal mandate in the new healthcare law that every individual carry health insurance would sharply lower the number of people gaining coverage, but would not dramatically increase the cost of buying policies through new insurance exchanges, a new …