communicable disease News

D.C.’s Pro Sports Teams Owner Scores Partial Win in COVID-19 Insurance Skirmish

The company that owns several District of Columbia professional sports teams and a major sports arena has settled its lawsuit against its insurance company over losses related to the shutdown caused by COVID-19. It was only a partial victory for …

CDC Describes Delta Variant as Highly Contagious – Report

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has described the Delta variant of the coronavirus as being as transmissible as chickenpox and cautioned it could cause severe disease, the Washington Post said, citing an internal CDC document. The …

Texas Judge Refuses to Dismiss Theater Chain’s COVID Lawsuit

A federal judge in Sherman, Texas on May 5 ruled against an insurer that sought to dismiss a $500 million COVID-19 business interruption lawsuit by the nation’s third-largest chain of movie theaters. The decision broke a month’s-long losing streak for …