Congress News

Senate Poised to Defeat House Spending, Disaster Aid Bill

With aid to disaster victims running out, the U.S. Senate Democratic leader Friday vowed to hold a quick vote to defeat a House-passed spending bill, clearing the way for negotiations to avoid a government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid …

House Defeats Bill Funding Government; FEMA, Flood Insurance in Doubt

The House of Representatives unexpectedly defeated a bill that would fund the federal government [including the federal flood insurance program] past Sept. 30 Wednesday as dozens of Republicans broke with their party to push for deeper spending cuts. The unexpected …

Congress At Odds Over Disaster Aid Dollars

U.S. Republicans and Democrats in Congress moved to quickly approve disaster aid Monday but remained at odds over the amount of money needed to help victims of floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. With the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster-relief fund running …

How Debt Ceiling Politics Impact P/C Insurance Industry

As they watched Congress struggle to put a debt deal in place by Aug. 2, U.S. insurers worried about their companies’ portfolios, short- and long-term interest rates and a decline in equity markets. The leading concern among insurers in the …

Don’t Kill Flood Insurance Program, Insurers Tell Congress

Closing the federal flood insurance program would put millions of homeowners at risk and cost taxpayers billions of dollars, insurers are warning after a Republican lawmaker filed legislation to eliminate the federal program. “Eliminating the National Flood Insurance Program is …

Federal Debt Negotiators Eye Limiting Health Insurance Tax Break

Limiting the tax break for employer-provided health insurance became a bargaining chip on Friday in congressional negotiations to beat an Aug. 2 deadline for averting a U.S. default. “Limiting the deduction for the higher income brackets is something that is …

House Approves Patent Reform Bill Similar to Senate’s

Patent legislation that aims to clear a years-long backlog of applications and allows the patent office set its own fees was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday. Supporters say the bill will help the patent office hire …

Draft Rules Expand Coverage for 9/11 Worker Claims

Proposed rules for those who say they were sickened by exposure to toxins at ground zero would cover claims from a wider area around the site in Lower Manhattan. The new draft regulations for the $2.78 billion victim compensation fund …

House Committee Passes Flood Insurance Extension, Reform Bill

As flood waters continued rising along the Mississippi River, a House committee yesterday unanimously approved bipartisan legislation to extend the federal flood insurance program for five years and introduce financial reforms of the debt-ridden program. The legislation (HR 1309) approved …

P/C Insurers Keeping an Eye on Congress

While lobbyists see few direct threats to the property/casualty insurance industry in the current Congress, P/C insurers have been advised to remain vigilant because several issues that could have a spillover effect on them. Despite federal policymakers’ focus on the …