Congress News

Business Groups Back Expanding Federal Flood Insurance Options

Expanding a federal program that is already $17 billion in debt might seem like a non-starter of an idea on budget-sensitive Capitol Hill these days. However the idea is included in a Republican-drafted reform of the National Flood Insurance Program …

New Product Safety Database Under Scrutiny

It’s something Nikki Johns wishes had been around before her infant son died in a drop-side crib: a centralized federal database of people’s safety complaints about thousands of products, from baby gear to household appliances and more. “If I had …

Congress Trying Again on Patent Reform

Senior U.S. lawmakers are once again planning to reform the patent system to try to eliminate huge damage awards, an issue ripe for legislation after recent court decisions challenged calculation methods. Patent reform, in one form or another, has been …

P/C Insurers Like Some of Obama’s State of Union Promises

Property/casualty insurers found things to like in President Obama’s State of the Union speech that was largely focused on the economy and business. Medical malpractice reform, regulatory review, and trade agreementsβ€” these issues in particular that were mentioned by President …

November Elections Brought Insurance Power Shift

The Republican takeover of the House of Representatives bodes well for the insurance industry, according to one leading Washington insurance lobbyist. “I think it will be an environment that will be a little more balanced for the pro business viewpoint. …

Republican Strategy: Prune Obamacare ‘Branch by Branch’

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday launched a plan to replace President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul “branch by branch” with measures they say would bring down soaring costs. “The tree is rotten, you cut it down. If we …