connected car data News

EU Court Sides With Car Service Firms in Data Fight With Sweden Truck Maker Scania

Swedish truck maker Scania must share car data, such as vehicle identification numbers, with repair shops and parts distributors, Europe’s top court said on Thursday in a ruling that could provide a boost for the latter looking to tap a …

Businesses Criticize New EU Data Rules, Saying They Could Hinder Data Flow

Businesses and Big Tech on Wednesday criticized European Union data rules agreed between EU countries and lawmakers, saying they could hinder data flow and contractual freedom, while a pan-European consumer group said they did little for Europeans. The Data Act, …

Car Services Groups Warn of Unfair Competition as EU Data Plan Stalls

Car services groups on Friday warned a stalled EU proposal to ensure fair access to valuable vehicle data could pave the way for unfair competition from U.S. and Chinese tech companies. The vehicle data tussle between carmakers and a coalition …

Ford Taps Vehicle Data to Attract Customers in Commercial Van Market

Ford Motor Co.’s push to use reams of data generated by its vans and trucks – from engines to oil filters or brake pads – to attract more customers in the European and U.S. commercial vehicle market plays out on …

Insurers, Leasing Firms Push European Commission for Access to Valuable Vehicle Data

A broad coalition of insurers, leasing companies, car repair shops and others are calling on the European Commission to propose rules for fair access to valuable vehicle data soon, fearing further delays could see the initiative shelved after European Parliament …

Tussle Over Connected Vehicle Data Moving Into High Gear

LONDON — Where you go. What you pass. Where you stop. What you listen to. What you watch. Your good habits. Your bad habits. Companies in Europe and beyond are vying for control of the crown jewels of the connected …

GM Offering Onstar Service to All Drivers Through App; Options Include Insurance

General Motors Co. plans to offer subscriptions for its Onstar Guardian security services to anyone in the United States or Canada who wants to download a smartphone app, expanding beyond owners of GM vehicles in a step to generate recurring …

China Drafts Rules on Security of Data From Connected Vehicles

China published draft rules on Thursday to ensure the security of data generated by connected vehicles, as the proliferation of smart cars such as Teslas, fuels concerns about privacy and national security. Last month, U.S. electric car maker Tesla Inc. …

How Big Tech Hopes to Turn Cars into Connected Revenue Machines

Technology companies transformed smartphones and televisions into continuous fountains of revenue. Now, big tech wants to work with automakers to do the same thing for your car. With the widespread rollout of autonomous vehicles still years away, the two industries …