connected cars News

Motor Insurers Need to Adapt to Ward Off Competition from Car Manufacturers

As internet-connected and, eventually, driverless vehicles roll off production lines, traditional motor insurers need to adapt to ward off competition from car manufacturers. Insurers have struggled for years to make a profit from motor insurance due to intense competition and …

Internet of Things Is Industry Disruptor that Could Benefit Innovators: Efma Report

The steady advance of the internet of things (IoT) presents a huge number of opportunities for insurers – as well as threats, according to a digest published by Efma*. The rise in connected homes, connected cars and the use of …

UK Auto Insurance Policyholders Embrace Telematics to Get Lower Premiums

Demonstrating a growing intolerance of mobile phone use at the wheel, a survey of 1314* motor insurance policyholders in the UK found that consumers want to be rewarded with lower premiums for not using their smartphones while driving. The avoidance …

White House Urged to Protect Wireless Spectrum for Connected Vehicles

More than 50 automakers, state transportation agencies and other groups urged the White House and other federal policymakers on Thursday not to open a portion of the wireless spectrum reserved for connected vehicles in the near future. The letter was …

Volvo to Launch Autonomous Driving Trial in London in 2017

Swedish car maker Volvo will begin an autonomous driving trial in London in 2017. Called “Drive Me London,” the UK trial will use real families in semi-autonomous cars. Starting with a handful of AD cars next year, the trial will …

Fiat Chrysler Recall Highlights Cyber Risks of Connected Cars, Telematics

Fiat Chrysler will recall 1.4 million vehicles in the United States to install software to prevent hackers from gaining remote control of the engine, steering and other systems in what federal officials said was the first such action of its …

Staged Hacking Shows Vulnerability of Connected Vehicles

A pair of veteran cybersecurity researchers have shown they can use the Internet to turn off a car’s engine as it drives, sharply escalating the stakes in the debate about the safety of increasingly connected cars and trucks. Former National …

Auto Makers Seek to Limit Data Sharing with Tech Partners

Carmakers are limiting the data they share with technology partners Apple Inc and Google Inc through new systems that link smartphones to vehicle infotainment systems, defending access to information about what drivers do in their cars. Auto companies hope that …

Smartcars Could Cause Traffic Headaches

Traffic jams in the future could cause potentially dangerous data snarl-ups as cars packed with entertainment, safety and navigation features vie for airwaves with smartphones, tablets and networked features in other vehicles, according to a study. By 2024, mobile networks …

Citing Lives Saved, Regulators Prepare to Mandate Talking Car Technology

The U.S. Transportation Department moved forward on writing rules that may mandate automakers’ use of talking-car technology, saying more than a thousand lives a year might be saved on the nation’s roadways. Two of the most promising crash-avoidance technologies warning …