Connecticut News

Restroom Access Bill Heads to Connecticut House

Two Connecticut legislative committees have endorsed a proposal giving people with certain medical conditions the right to use employee bathrooms in private businesses. Several lawmakers say they have concerns about the bill, though, including potential liability to companies, their insurance …

Connecticut’s Gowrie Group Rebrands

Wetsbrook, Connecticut-based insurance, employee benefits and finance company The Gowrie Group as officially rebranded itself. The company says it will no longer use its former name, Gowrie, Barden & Brett, effective immediately. Gowrie, which has offices in Connecticut and Rhode …

Business Moves

Progressive Progressive said it will begin offering motorcycle and RV insurance in Massachusetts. The Mayfield Village, Ohio-based insurer said it will offer the coverage through its Web site as well as through independent insurance agents. The addition of these coverage …

It Figures

$6.4 Million Amount awarded to Stephanie Baril, of Haverhill, Mass., who was severely injured when a drunken driver struck her vehicle, although her lawyer says she is unlikely to see much of the money. Attorney Daniel Chabot said the man …


Head Games: That’s Our Stand “We are pleased with the response to this offer and look forward to digging into the data.” —Tom Warden, assistant vice president of Allstate Research and Planning Center, which is working to determine whether brain …

New Markets

The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of 25,000 coverages and programs. To find additional markets, or to submit markets, go to Technology Errors & Omissions Market Detail: Chamber Insurance Agency Services gives agents access to an …

The Carlet Letter? New Jersey Tags New Drivers with Decal

Would you drive any differently if you knew there was a teenager behind the wheel of the car in front of you? You might find out soon. A first-in-the-nation law in New Jersey will require new drivers ages 21 and …

New York Governor to Reintroduce Gay Marriage Bill

New York Gov. David Paterson is making another push to legalize gay marriage in New York, tapping into the momentum of other states that have recently allowed same-sex couples to wed, but the measure will face stiff opposition in the …

Survey: Claims Handling is the Key to Winning over Agents

Quality claims handling is the most important factor to independent agents in evaluating an insurer, according to a recent survey of 450 agents conducted by the Professional Insurance Agents Associations (PIA) of Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York …

Connecticut Official Says State Law Doesn’t Bar AIG Bonuses

The controversial bonuses given to executives at bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc. do not violate Connecticut’s unfair trade practices law, the state’s consumer protection commissioner says. Commissioner Jerry Farrell Jr. is among numerous federal and state officials who have …